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What is Reiki


Reiki is a Healing System that balances the human being not only on a physical level but also on a mental, emotional and spiritual level.


It was Mikao Usui, a Japanese, who created this wonderful Healing System at the beginning of the last century.


In the 1940s it was introduced in the USA by Mrs. Hawayo Takata.


After United States, it arrived in Canada and, in the 1970s, gradually “invaded” several European countries. In Germany, as well as in England, it was widely used. In  London  there are  hospitals where Reiki therapists work and this Healing System is accessible to anyone who wants it!


Reiki only arrived in Portugal in 1988, brought by foreign Masters. Only in 1996 did we have, for the first time, Portuguese Masters.


In Spain, in 2007, it began to be practiced in an oncological hospital.



What does Reiki mean and how does it work?


The word “Reiki” is made up of 2 characters: REI and KI.

KI means vital energy. The Chinese call it Chi; the Hindus, Prana. The Japanese, KI.


KING means: Universal.


Therefore, REIKI simply means Universal Life Energy.
Everything is made up of energy and human beings are no exception.


When this energy runs through our body, without blockages or impediments, we are healthy. However, if for any reason we are not balanced (not only due to illness, but also due to some emotional disturbance), that energy no longer flows so freely; it can block. What Reiki does is simply unblock KI and promote its free circulation in us again!


The Reiki therapist, by placing his hands in certain places on our body, manages to balance our energy and start our self-healing process. Obviously, if we are energetically or emotionally decompensated, it is impossible for our organism, thus unbalanced, to activate the cure by itself. Deep down, the Reiki therapist is a facilitator!



In which cases is Reiki indicated?

۞ Depressive states and exhaustion


۞ Insomnia


۞ lack of appetite


۞ It is excellent for calming down hyperactive children with concentration difficulties.


۞ It is ideal for pre- and post-operative conditions. In the preoperative period, it increases the body's resistance by strengthening the immune system; as such, the patient will support the surgery much better. Postoperatively, it accelerates tissue healing and stabilizes the patient emotionally.


۞ Pregnancy. It has been proven that pregnant women who regularly undergo Reiki treatments have stronger and calmer babies.


۞ As a complement to invasive treatments such as chemotherapy and radiotherapy. Patients are more resistant to the side effects of these treatments, in addition to becoming stronger psychically.


۞ Reduces the stress of daily life.


۞ Alleviates the emotional suffering that accompanies states of loss, such as bereavement or separation.


۞ As a complement to any other type of conventional treatment!



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